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This site is equiped with an automatic traffic rating system that will keep the exchange fair to everyone. The basics are; the more traffic you send us, the more we will send to your site. Our system will always try to send atleast the same amount of hits as you sent us and a little bonus.

The more traffic you send to urlgalleries during a day your site will also climb the lather to the left that is shown on every page. This position is reset every day, but your hits is not. You will still receive your traffic we owe you; this is to make sure that everyone gets a spot on the list sometime.

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ATTENTION! Your site *must* have adult content either hosted on your server or by links leading to a 3rd party server
Your site must allow users to reach the assumed content at least 80% of the time when they click. Sites with 20-50% click/trade ratio needs to be approved by us first and 50+ will always be denied.

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